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Monday, October 26, 2009 @5:47 AM

Hi guys, just a small update. Congratulations and good luck to those who have gotten posts like becoming a prefect, getting a post in the prefectorial board, getting a post in your clubs etc. and remember to do your best in everything you do. Hope you all will have a good time helping out in your own clubs. Well, whatever you get, just be content and make the most of it. I hope none of you will sulk and do your job unwillingly because you got a post you don't want to hold.

Did you know that i am going to an amazing camp during the holidays? I bet most of you don't know.
I hope that you all will really consider going to the church camp that was introduced not very long ago. For your convenience, I shall post the details of the camp up here again.

Theme : Made To Last - Continuing The Revolution
Date : 18 to 21 December 2009
Venue : Seminary Theology Malaysia (STM), Seremban
Fees : RM180
Closing Date : 15 November 2009

Well, just consider and tell me if you want to go. I'll help you register. Trust me, its really a fun, life-changing, amazing, merry, priority-setting camp. Think as long as you want, but please don't take too long... If you all forget the time, you can always visit this blog or visit my blog by clicking my name on the link list and look at the description of the camp.
Time is of the essence!

I shall end my post with a few logical questions.

I am in a hot-air balloon off the coast of France, If i drop a cannon ball and a bottle of whiskey at the exact same time, which one would hit the ground first?

It won't hit the ground, because you are off the coast of France.

A man is driving a car with a passenger on the front seat and one in the back. They reach their destination and all of them come out of the car to meet up with five more people outside. Soon, it starts to rain. All of them are wet except one of them, even though he didn't run, carry an umbrella, or take shade under some place. Why is that?

He didn't get wet because the seven people are casket bearers and they are carrying a man in a casket for a funeral service.

A man, after a heated argument with his wife, went out of the house, slammed the door and threw himself over a cliff. Hours later, he came back totally unharmed. Why is that?

He went bungee jumping.

Thank you all for taking the time to read my post. I also thank all those who voted for me and those that didn't vote for me because they didn't think I was qualified to be a PKP. Continue to think rationally and do your best in everything.

Hong Liang.

Sunday, October 25, 2009 @12:15 AM



Saturday, October 24, 2009 @7:34 AM

Hey guys, finally got something to update. Hope all those people who have to tell a speech do their very best on Monday. Hope you all are ready. Hope you all can achieve what you all want. If any of you have a problem bugging, feel free to share it with the class. I hope we will be able to solve it together.

"United We Stand, Divided We Fall"

I shall end this post with a joke.

"A bartender is sitting behind the bar on a typical day, when the door bursts open and in come four exuberant blondes. They come up to the bar, order five bottles of champagne and ten glasses, take their order over and sit down at a large table. The corks are popped, the glasses are filled and they begin toasting and chanting, "51 days, 51 days, 51 days!" Soon, three more blondes arrive, take up their drinks and the chanting grows. "51 days, 51 days, 51 days!" Two more blondes show up and soon their voices are joined in raising the roof. "51 days, 51 days, 51 days!" Finally, the tenth blonde comes in with a picture under her arm. She walks over to the table, sets the picture in the middle and the table erupts even more loudly in chant. Up jump the others, they begin dancing around the table, exchanging high-fives, all the while chanting, "51 days, 51 days, 51 days!" The bartender can't contain his curiosity any longer, so he walks over to the table. There in the center is a beautifully framed child's puzzle of the Cookie Monster. When the frenzy dies down a little bit, the bartender asks one of the blondes, "What's all the chanting and celebration about?"
The blonde who brought in the picture pipes in, "Everyone thinks that blondes are dumb and they make fun of us. So, we decided to set the record straight. Ten of us got together, bought that puzzle and put it together.
The side of the box said 2-4 years, but we put it together in just 51days!"

I took it from http://www.free-jokes-online.com.

Hope that we all can go to a good class next year, so that we all will have a good environment to study. If not, don't fret, we can always form a study group and meet up regularly to study.

Enjoy your holidays. Hope you all come from the camp. =)
Trust me, its a life-changing experience.

Hong Liang

Saturday, October 17, 2009 @8:01 AM

hooray everyone..
but not to be so happy

the evil result is coming out....
no la..i know just for me is evil result..=)
we can play edi!


Tuesday, October 6, 2009 @6:33 AM

Hellooo Everyone,
nothing special here,
just want to wish u guys,
GOOD LUCK for your coming exam! ;D
Still two more days to go ^ ^
if you believe you can, sure you can do it.
Nothing is impossible.

Gambatehhh (:
1a4 rawks! =)

And also
Happy holidayyys'

Enjoy your holidays (:

You can visit http://walkawayanddunlookback.blogspot.com if you want to do so.
Of course, you can click my name from the link. (:


Friday, October 2, 2009 @11:05 PM

All of you good luck in your exams... Remember to study 4 maths 1 & BC 1.
Probays, good luck in your prefect life. =)
AJKs keep up the good work.
Wakils & formen keep it up too.

In conclusion, good luck to all of you!
I am not saying that your work is not good. Please don't understand what I said wrongly.

Try saying this tongue twister:

Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers,
A peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked,
If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers,
Where's the peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked?

Try saying it fast. =)

Hong Liang

@6:40 AM

Alamak, kenapa peperiksaan kali ini begitu susah?!?! Peperiksaan yang saya pernah hadapi masih belum susah, Inilah yang susah. Adui......Semua pun susah, tak ada senang punya. Sering kesuntukan masa. KH juga susah, Maths susah pun. Macam mana dengan purata? Arh......takut purata akan merosot. Peringatan: Ingat sebelum kena, Jimat Sebelum habis!

tokoh pelajar 1A4

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All About Us
This is a class blog which made by 1A4-ians of Catholic High School, PJ

Cik Norhafiza - Pendidikan Moral
Cik Ngan Fong Yeen - Bahasa Malaysia
Puan Susan leong - Bahasa Inggeris
Puan Lim Sook Fun - Bahasa Cina
Puan Lim Suat Bee - Mathematics
Puan Suhani - Science
Puan Sumathi - Sejarah
Puan Wan Salmiah - Geografi
Puan Suryati - Seni Visual
Cik Siti - Sivik
Puan Ng Hui Gek - Kemahiran Hidup (Girls)
Puan Cheam Kim Eng - Kemahiran Hidup (Boys)
Puan Kavitha - PJPK (Girls)
Puan Lam Lee Ching - PJPK (Boys)

Ketua Tingkatan - Jasmine Lee
Penolong Ketua Tingkatan - Tan Jing Hui
Bendahari - Ng Kae Shen
Ketua Kebersihan - Ho ZiJian
Wakil Bahasa Malaysia - Tan Jing Hui
Wakil Bahasa Inggeris - Yong Li Ting
Wakil Bahasa Cina - Foo Shi Ying & Tan Jing Hui
Wakil Mathematics - Kok Ming Wei
Wakil Science - KT & PKT
Wakil Sejarah - Loo Wen Jean & Kok Yu Peng
Wakil Geografi - Yong Li Ting
Wakil Seni Visual - Ng Kae Shen
Wakil Sivik - Lee Yoke Lynn
Wakil Kemahiran Hidup(Girls) - Jasmine Lee
Wakil Kemahiran Hidup(Boys) - Tham Kok Yen
Wakil PJPK(Girls) - Jasmine Lee
Wakil PJPK(Boys) - Wong Xi Rong

Prefects of 1A4
~ Khor Hui Yi
~ Lee Yoke Lynn
~ Lim Wan Xuan
~ Tee Wan Ting
~ Wong Shi Min
~ Fong Kai Yuan
~ Joshua Fidelis
~ Lim Yeong Jong
~ Teoh Hong Liang
~ Wong Xi Rong

Birthday Babies
~ January ~
5/1 - Kok Ming Wei
10/1 - Wong Carmen
17/1 - Foo Shi Ying
29/1 - Jasmine Lee

~ February ~
9/2 - Siow Ren Yi
27/2 - Lee Ning

~ March ~
23/3 - Wong Shi Min

~ April ~
1/4 - Ho ZiJian
17/4 - Ng Tian Sheng

~ May ~
8/5 - Poon Kah Wey
18/5 - Khor Hui Yi
20/5 - Tham Synn Yi

~ June ~
21/6 - Michelle Lim

~ July ~
3/7 - Ng Kae Shen
10/7 - Kok Yu Peng
26/7 - Cheong Shu Yee

~ August ~
9/8 - Chew Lup Heng
23/8 - Joshua Fidelis
26/8 - Tee Wan Ting
26/8 - Tham Kok Yen
30/8 - Loo Wen Jean

~ September ~
6/9 - Chan Zhi Yang
17/9 - Choy Xin Yue
18/9 - Wong Xi Rong

~ October ~
31/10 - Tan Jing Hui

~ November ~
1/11 - Lim Yeong Jong
10/11 - Teoh Hong Liang
22/11 - Fong Kai Yuan

~ December ~

✖ 1A4 Family
~ Our Family Members' Blogs ~
Hong Liang
Hui Yi
Jing Hui
Kah Wey
Kai Yuan
Lee Ning
Li Ting
Sau Jun
Shi Min
Shi Ying
Shu Yee
Wan Ting
Wan Xuan
Wong Carmen
Xin Yue
Yu Peng

✖ ChatBox


August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
April 2010
May 2010
March 2011